This week, we were tasked with building two transistor based circuits. One acted as a simple switch to turn on an LED, and the other acted as a VU meter, changing the brightness of an LED based on the input voltage.
Here is a picture of the switch circuit we built. It was fairly simple, and the potentiometer controlled the amount of voltage being sent to the LED.
Here is a picture of the VU meter we built. It was definitely more complex, but it actually has some useful applications.
I just made a simple square wave oscillator as a component of my final project. I'm going to have two oscillators hooked up to voltage controlled oscillators, with the voltage from the piezo pick ups acting as the control voltage.
I basically used the same schematic as the oscillator we built a few weeks ago.
Basically, the user will use the potentiometer to control the frequency of the drum, and the voltage from the contact microphone will determine the envelope of the sound through a VCA. The oscillator will be running continuously.
Here's a photo of the oscillator.
I'm sure you already know what this sounds like, so I feel like a recording is kind of unnecessary.
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