This is the first circuit we made in class
It had 4 1kOhm resistors along its path, as well as 2 polarized capacitors. The audio signal was fairly clear and had a little bit of static. The volume on my phone was about 3/4 way up for the signal to be audible.
This is the second circuit I built for the experiment. It only consisted of two wires running from one audio jack to the other. The audio signal was much stronger, and I only had to turn up the signal a tiny bit for it to become audible. The audio was also a bit clearer than the circuit above. The capacitors in the picture aren't part of the circuit.
Sorry about the orientation of this photo. I couldn't figure out a way to make it horizontal. This is the circuit I built with 4 1 kOhm resistors in between the audio jacks and the wires. This significantly cut the volume of the signal. I had to turn the signal back to about 3/4 of the way up on my phone for it to be audible. Audio quality, when turned up, was about the same, but with perhaps a bit more static.
This circuit is similar to the last circuit, but it uses a potentiometer instead of one of the regular resistors. With the volume all the way up on my phone, I had to turn the potentiometer to about 3/4 of it's full rotation to get an audible signal. Basicallly acted as a volume knob.
This is the circuit with 4 1 kOhm resistors and two 1 microFarad capacitors. The difference in audio quality was definitely noticeable, as the lower frequencies were significantly quieter. I also tried the same circuit with 0.1 microFarad capacitors and 0.01 microFarad capacitors. As the capacitance decreased, the frequency at which the audio signal seemed to cut off increased. For instance, with 0.01 microFarad capacitors, only the higher frequencies reached the audio jack.
This is the circuit with the signal wired both directly to the audio jack, and to a capacitor connected to ground. This had the opposite effect on the audio signal when compared to the capacitor connected to the audio jack. When 1 microFarad capacitors were used, only the very lowest frequencies were let through. When capacitance was decreased, the amount of frequencies being let through increased.
This is the last circuit I built that is only the audio signal running through to diodes between the audio jacks. The audio was heavily distorted, and I'm not sure if this was the intended result. It was basically only static and distortion, and no frequencies were actually discernible.
1. In order to half the volume of an audio signal, the resistance would have to create a voltage drop equal to half of the source voltage before the current reaches the audio jack. Since V=IR, V/2 = I(R/2), the total resistance of the circuit would have to be (IV/2). (Not sure if this is the answer you were looking for).
2. As explained above, the capacitors would affect the range of frequencies being passed into the audio jack. The higher the capacitance, the higher the frequency cutoff would be. The inverse was true when the capacitor was bypassed to ground. The higher the capacitance, the greater the range of frequencies let through.
3. The diodes heavily distorted the signal. Once again, not sure if they were used correctly. I placed them essentially in the formation that the resistors were placed in the first circuit. Look at the last photo to see exactly where they were placed.
Final Project Questions
1. If I were to produce something similar to the ResoDrum,
I would definitely try to add some knobs or sliders that allow you to adjust the quality of the sounds without using software. This would also mean that I would need to make some sort of oscillator or sound source to completely get rid of the need for a laptop. Perhaps some sort of reverb control would be cool too.
2. As I just mentioned, I would probably get rid of the need for a laptop by using an oscillator for the sound source. Also, I'm not sure exactly how difficult electromagnetic transducers are to produce, so I might need to find an alternative for that.